
Monday, June 25, 2012

Okay, I'm ready!

I have to admit, I’m pretty much dunzo with being pregnant and I’m completely ready for Ryan to be born. I mean, like three weeks ago ready!

Although tremendously rewarding, this has been one of the most difficult experiences of my entire life and believe me, I have been through a lot like hurting my knee multiple times, dealing with stress fractures, and having to cope with other various ailments that have caused me a good amount of pain along with other life struggles that all of us go through. None of that compares to being pregnant, however, which has not been an easy process for me and I now have a new found respect for every woman on the planet who has been pregnant or will be pregnant. It's taxing to say the least and in my last few weeks here, things have grown increasingly harder. I’ve already talked about how breathing and talking at the same time has been an issue, however, now simply walking around can be tough and I have the worst time just sitting on my butt at work. I mean, seriously, it really is not fun at all since I sit at my desk, Ryan sits nice and tight in my stomach, and we both feel super, duper squished. Not to mention how my belly is just growing and growing, so, it both itches and hurts all at the same time. To help ease the discomfort, I take periodic walks around the office and just try to stretch whenever I can, but that doesn’t even seem to help anymore. I also pile on the lotion to help with the itching, but again, that doesn’t do much either.

Other than all the pain and discomfort, I’m assuming that my pregnancy has been a pretty normal and an uneventful one, so, I’m going to count my blessings that we haven’t had any major issues or problems up until this point. It’s something that I do think about on a regular basis given that I do realize that we’re very lucky that things are going good, especially lately due to the fact that I’ve been hearing about  other women who have been having problems and issues. My thoughts and prayers are with them and I hope that things turn out for the best.

With the serious stuff now talked about, I want to change the mood a bit and get back to having some fun, so, here’s my attempt at that. One thing that I’ve been wondering now for a bit is what it’s been like what like for Ryan being all stuck in my belly with no place to go! Dave and I were joking about it the other night, especially when Dave makes it a point to tease the little guy by pushing and poking my belly. We’ve been able to basically feel where his head and butt are most days and then once and a while, they’ll be a foot or an elbow protruding out. It’s funny because both of us can just picture him in there like, “What the hell, I’m just sitting here trying to get comfortable and I’m being all moved around and intruded on, ahhh!” Sometimes, he even pushes back with his foot after Dave pokes my stomach, it’s really, really cute. Needless to say, we have a good time with it and hopefully, we’re not tormenting Ryan too much!

My stuff for the hospital. Gotta love Accepted!
Now because I’m so ready for Ryan to be born, I have everything that I need all in one place when it’s time to go to the hospital and push the little guy out. Side note, I’m using the term little just to make myself feel better here, kind of trying to fool myself that giving birth won’t  hurt as bad as everyone tells me it’s going to hurt. I know, a bit on the silly side, but right now, I’m doing whatever I can to ignore what’s on the horizon and the pain I’m going to experience. It’s really not working though and I’m totally freaked out about it, yet I’m still going to try! It’s worth a shot, right? With that said, now back to having everything ready to go for heading to the hospital. I not only have my bag ready to go with clothes to wear before, during and after birth, but my IPod is also in there along with our camera, toiletries, DVD’s, and I’m even going to throw in a book, which I’m not going to read anyway, but that’s okay, it makes me feel better to just have the option of possibly reading it.The computer is going along for the ride and no, I don't plan on blogging from the delivery room. It's more to give Dave something to do, even though I'm still not going to let him beat my high score at Bejeweled Blitz. I will suffer through contractions to keep my bragging rights. And no, I'm not a competitive person at all! :)

Ryan's bag of goodies!
I have Ryan’s bag all packed too with his first few outfits along with a few receiving blankets and some diapers and junk.Since I'm so indecisive when it comes to what I want him to wear for his first ever baby photo, I do have a few different options and I even have a pair of shoes for him. Yes, I do realize they're not going to fit him, but they're super cool just the same and that is why they have to make they're way to the hospital. The bag itself also has room to take stuff home from the hospital so hopefully we get some good stuff that we can use for a bit from Aurora. I mean, this whole deal is going to cost us a bunch of money so we better get some freebies out of it. Just saying! ;)I'm sure the freebies will probably not be all that awesome, but you never know!

As you can probably tell, I’m not a patient person and that waiting for Ryan be born has pretty much been torture! I’m crossing fingers that his arrival is soon, not just because I’m uncomfortable though, but because I really, really want to meet and hold him! It’s going to be soooooooooo life changing and awesome!!!!!!!! Until next time, it's Carla the pregnant tomboy saying good-bye!

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