
Monday, November 26, 2018

The never ending Christmas list...

I knew this day would come, the day when my son, Ryan, would want everything he sees for Christmas.

In the past, Ryan only wanted a few things here and there, nothing crazy. Maybe a toy that lit up or some blocks that he could smash around and then never play with again. However, that's all changed this year. Now, Ryan wants it all. When Grandma Nancy asked for him to circle a few things in the toy book she shared with him, he circled pretty much everything:

(Pictures courtesy of Grandma Nancy) 

So, I'm at a loss on how to handle this upcoming Christmas season. I'm not sure, well, I'm more than not sure that Santa is not going to get everything on his list and then when Christmas comes around, I'm more than sure that a certain little boy is going to be rather disappointed. It makes me feel like I did something wrong as a parent because Ryan never used to be this materialistic. Like, maybe last year we gave Santa the okay to go a bit overboard with the presents since we love Ryan so much and felt he deserved it. Maybe we planted the seed, along with the multiple ads for toys he watches daily on TV, since he never really wanted all of this stuff in excess before? Could be that or it could be that he's getting older or it could be that he's bored with what he has? Who knows? No matter what's the cause, I feel like I need to nip the excess wanting of material things in the but sooner rather than later.

My thoughts on how to handle the situation are to ask him what he really, truly wants and go from there. Wish me luck because who knows how it's going to go come Christmas Day.