
Saturday, June 16, 2012

I can’t talk and breathe at the same time…

Over the course of the last week, I’ve noticed that I can’t talk and breathe at the same time! Can you say, EMBARRASING!

It happens mostly when I’m on the phone at work, trying to explain things to the clients and customers that I work with. I’ll be talking and in mid sentence, I’ll just run out of breath. It makes me sound completely unprofessional and a bit on the stupid side. In the back of my mind, I’m just thinking that these people are judging me and are wondering what the hell is wrong with the person that they’re talking to? Like, how can she be so out of breath, is she that out of shape that she can’t even carry on a conversation? It really is embarrassing and I do have confirmation that it’s noticeable. That confirmation came when my supervisor asked how I was feeling this week. I said okay, referred to the lovely Braxton Hicks contractions I was getting, and also talked about how I couldn’t breathe sometimes. He said that he noticed my shortness of breath from time to time when we were discussing things on the phone! We both had a good chuckle about it, yet my chuckle was more of an awkward one due to the fact that I just feel stupid about it. I mean, I’ve been working out throughout my pregnancy and everything, yet there’s just not much I can do about the shortness of breath since it’s because of how big Ryan is getting and the type of chair I sit on at work. Both result in a lot of pressure on my lungs. I have a feeling that it’s only going to get worse as Ryan and my belly keep expanding. If you really want something to laugh at, you should watch me going up and down steps. It’s complete riot because I have to wait for like 30 seconds after I get up or down them to rest and then get going again! I guess shortness of breath is just the price you pay when you’re having a little one, hopefully, after Ryan is born, I’ll be able to breathe normal again! I’m definitely looking forward to that!

Speaking of Ryan being born, we’re just about three weeks out now from our due date and I couldn’t be more excited for his arrival. His room is about 90% done. We have all of his fun little clothes washed, his crib all nice and set up, and basically all we have to do is put the curtains up that my mom’s going to make along with some other various wall decorations. Little boy stuff is so darn cute! I'll make sure to post pictures of his room soon!

Well, the weekend is upon us and my plans are to get my bag packed and ready for the hospital, buy a few more things for Ryan, and just sit around and not doing anything. Not quite sure if that’s going to happen, but we’ll see. I hope you get to enjoy your weekend and until I post again, this is Carla the pregnant tomboy boy signing off!

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