
Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Not the best of ideas, but still a lot of fun!

Us in front of the dugout at the Brewer game. My jersey still kinda fits!
Being a person who thinks she can do it all, this past weekend I decided to go big and double booked the weekend with a birthing class on at Aurora in Green Bay on Saturday and a Brewer game in Milwaukee on Sunday. Let’s just say, it wasn’t the best of ideas because now that I’m nine months pregnant, my stamina and energy levels aren’t quite where they used to be. In fact, they’re about 1/8th of where they used to be and boy did I find that out the hard way.

It wasn’t until after the fact that I realized my mistake since the weekend itself went pretty well. The birthing class was a bit on the awkward side, which was to be expected I guess. The first thing that got me was the visual aids that were used during the class. Like, she kept busting out this skeletal pelvis and small baby to demonstrate different things. One demonstration was how the baby would twist around to get into position then another was to actually show us the baby passing through the birth canal. Each time, she would comment about how it was a brand new pelvis and that the baby didn’t quite fit through it. So, then she would struggle with her demonstration and almost drop the whole deal on the floor. It was kind of comical to say the least. Another thing that was strange was the videos that were shown. Not only outdated, the people on them were totally on the scary side and at one point one of the chic on the video was eating chips and salsa while she was going through the early stages of labor at home. That didn’t seem like the best thing to be doing. After all the classroom direction for the instructor, we then went on a tour of the birthing suites and they were actually pretty nice. I have to hand it to Aurora, they do go all out. However, things did get a little strange when our instructor turned on the bright, shiny overhead lights that come on just as you’re about to push your new kid out. I just rolled my eyes and though, hell, we’re not on American Idol! Overall though, the class was very informative and I’m glad that we went. Well, kind of glad because knowledge is a double edge sword in this case. I’m happy that I have some idea that I know what’s going to happen, but I’m also freaked out that I have some idea about what’s going to happen. Ya know?

After the birthing class, we hit the road and made our way to Milwaukee to stay overnight to rest up to go to the Brewer game on Sunday. When we got to our hotel, both of us were pretty tired so we went out, got a pizza, and went to bed early. Like 8:30 pm early, that’s how tired we were. The next day, we headed to the Brewer game, tailgated, and watched a pretty awesome game that saw the Brewers hang on to squeak out a 6-5 win. To combat the heat, both of us drank a whole bunch of water, Gatorade, and lemonade. We were even smart and brought in our own water to Miller Park so we didn’t have to overpay to stay hydrated. Dave didn’t even drink because it wasn’t going to be worth it. There were a whole slew of people who weren’t that smart and chugged the beer, yet you could see how overheated and uncomfortable they were. On top of that, the heat made people cranky so that was a joy to be around. Let’s just say, when we made our way out to the car, I was happy we got to watch the game, but I was also happy that we were headed home.

On our way home is when I realized double booking the weekend wasn’t the best of ideas due to the fact I pretty much hit a wall and was overly, overly, overly tired. When we got home, things only got worse and I started to get those annoying Braxton Hicks contractions not to mention the fact that I had a tummy ache too. I ended up having to take a sick day of work on Monday just to rest and try to get back to normal. Now it’s Tuesday, and I’m still not feeling all that great. Hopefully tomorrow, I will get back to totally normal, especially if I’m able to get a bunch of sleep tonight. 

Despite not feeling the best though, I still had a great weekend with Dave. We learned about child birth, got to see an entertaining Brewer game, came home with a fun bobble head, and got to spend some quality time together. It was cool! Thanks love for the good time! And, like I said at the beginning of this post, I learned that I can’t do it all at nine months pregnant and will be scaling things back a bit from here on out! No reason to make myself sick! With all of that said, I bid you farewell and until next time, this is Carla the pregnant tomboy signing off!

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