
Sunday, April 21, 2019

Wait, we can go outside?

Finally, finally, finally! The weather is somewhat warm in Wisconsin and that means going outside and being crazy! Well, as crazy as you can get with a six-year-old, I guess!

We made the most of the day with quite a few different activities for use: 
  • We colored Easter eggs. Sure, an indoor activity, but you got to get ready for Easter with the eggs, duh!
  • We went for a walk. Well, the walk turned into more of a race/run when my boy, Ryan, kept challenging me to see who could outrun who. Ryan won, of course, yet Gumball the wonder pooch would have won if he wasn't hooked up to a leash. 
  • We played in the mud. This one is more like Ryan and Gumball played in the mud, but whatever. As they both got as dirty as possible with Ryan digging the deepest hole he possibly could and Gumball rolling around whatever he found on the lawn in the backyard. 
  • I played with fire. As Ryan and Gumball played in the mud, I burnt the sticks in the backyard in the fire pit. Talk about FUN!
Then, we ended the day with bath time, not all at once of course. All in all, it was a good day and with the weather heating up, I'm looking forward to more to come!

Saturday, March 23, 2019

Vacation = Fun and Other Weirdness

We just got back from a week long vacation, visiting my parents in Fort Myers, FL as a family. We had a good time overall, but it ended up being a weird adventure that I'm still trying to wrap my head around. 

Why was it weird? For one, I was sick pretty much the entire time we were down there. This made things difficult when you're out in the sun and trying to relax. When I wasn't coughing, I was hallucinating from the fever I had and at one point, I was a complete mess and just wanted to check out and sleep. When you have a six-year-old, Ryan, who wants to keep busy, that was totally difficult and thank god that my parents and husband were there to keep him occupied. They played games, went for walks, went to the park, and watched movies when I wasn't able to do anything. Super happy that they all stepped up to keep things up-beat and positive. 

When I was feeling not close to death, we spent a lot of timeout doors, which was the plan from the get-go, yet it was still super tough since I had no energy what-so-ever. Everything was a struggle and it put a damper on the point of being on vacation. For example, we went to the pool almost every chance we could get because Ryan's favorite thing to do was swim. Cool, right? Well, not so much because we had to walk to the pool, wiping me out and then when we were at the pool, it was all about playing and being in the sun. On a normal day, cool, however, the sun then became too much and the water was actually tough to get around in. Again though, Grandma and Grandpa stepped up and went swimming a bunch with Ryan, keeping me from having to do way too much. 

All in all, we did have a good time and it was nice being around my parents and seeing them have a good time with Ryan. One day, we did make it to the beach and also went to a local attraction, the Shell Factory, where there were a lot of activities for Ryan, including a zoo, arcade, and bumper boats. My hope though is that next time we go on vacation, I can avoid being sick so I can enjoy the entire thing and not just bits and pieces here and there.