
Saturday, May 26, 2012

Umm, that hurts…

My major complaint of the week is how my stupid belly button hurts. I mean, it’s not this ooh, that hurts a little kind of pain. Nope, it’s like, holy buckets, this piercing pain is radiating through my belly button and it just is really annoying. I had no idea that my belly button could even cause me pain. Stupid belly button!

I’m sure that the reason it hurts is due to the fact that my belly is continually stretching and growing, which is a good thing I suppose given that it means that Ryan is growing. However, I had no idea that things would actually hurt during the growing process and then there are those stupid stretch marks that keep popping up. Oh well, I guess it’s the price you pay when bringing a little bundle of joy into this world. You would think that it would be easier, but no, it’s a long process. I’m happy that my due date is right around the corner for one, to be done with being pregnant and two, to finally meet Ryan! And yes, I’m more excited about meeting Ryan than being done with being pregnant, although, being done with being pregnant is a close second. Can you imagine how an elephant feels? Like, OMG, if I was an elephant right now, and sometimes I do feel like once because I get so bloated, I would still have about a year to go. Poor elephants, I feel bad for you!

In other pregnancy news, we are close to getting the nursery ready and still need to buy a few odds and ends. My Mom and I went shopping for them on Thursday and we were able to get a lot of the stuff without spending a huge amount of money to do it. I got the Diaper Genie and not only did I get the larger one for cheaper at Target than Wal-Mart, but it even had a $5 off coupon on it. Needless to say, I was pretty stoked. Oh, and if you’re looking for a good variety of baby stuff, check out Kmart, I know, it sounds a bit ghetto, yet I was pleasantly surprised when we went there since the store has a pretty good selection and things were reasonably priced.

This week we go in for another check-up and in two weeks, we’ll attend our birthing class. A friend asked why I didn’t go to the class sooner and I was like, well, Ryan is going to come whether I go to a class or not. So, taking a class isn’t going to keep that from happening! It will be nice though to get some education on everything that will happen. I do hear that I’m probably going to watch a gross video, I’m sure that’s going to be fun.

Well, that’s all I got for now, make it a great Saturday everyone!

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