
Wednesday, May 22, 2013

I'm becoming soooooo responsible!

Yups, I Carla M. Lee am officially turning into a bonified adult and parent because last week, Dave and I purchased a Gerber Life Grow-Up plan for Ryan. We also started him a savings account for college too!

My parents suggested that we get him some kind of life insurance policy/college savings plan deal quite awhile a go now and after looking over all the options, both online and offline with our regular insurance person, we decided to go with the Gerber Life Grow-Up plan for three main reasons. One, it was pretty affordable. Two, it can be cashed in for its full value, or more, by Ryan when he's 25 years-old to give him some money to start his life after going college. (Yes, I've planned out his future, LOL, and it includes him going to college and also becoming an NFL kicker where he'll make millions! LOL, again! But seriously, I do want him to go to college and being a realistic person, this might be a motivator for him to go and complete school given that we could tell him, "if you complete school, this incentive is waiting for you." Maybe it will work, maybe it won't, yet at least we know that we have something like this to offer as an incentive).

Okay, I got off topic there, anyway, the third reason we went with this plan was because if he doesn't cash it out, he can actually increase his life coverage when he gets older and use that as his life insurance instead of purchasing something else. It was also pretty easy to purchase for him and since I'm set up for automatic withdrawal with it from my checking out, we don't have to worry about writing a check for it every month. Basically, it was super convenient and from time to time, I believe that all of us like it when things are easy!

To learn more about the Gerber Life Grow-Up plan, check out their website at:

With that, I gotta run! My adult self has decided that while Ryan is sleeping, I should get some housework done instead of playing on the computer! Boy, I feel so grown-up!

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