
Monday, April 16, 2012

Ick, I think that’s a stretch mark…

Yes, I think that I’ve developed my first stretch mark on my belly during my pregnancy and I must say, it’s grossing me out a bit. And no, I’m not going to post a picture of it because I think that would be pretty gross. So, I’ll just write about it instead. And how do I think that writing about it is less gross than posting a photo, well, I’m not quite sure. However, the one thing that I do know is that it will make me feel better to vent, thus, I’m going to get it out of my system! :) 

So I first noticed said stretch mark over the weekend after getting out of the shower. It was right there on my belly and it actually looked like a small little bruise. I thought nothing of it until later in the day when I showed my mom the north to south line that’s in the middle of my belly. This line is officially called the linea nigra line and it develops on some pregnant women because of the pregnancy hormones running through their bodies. How’s that for some useful information, huh??? Anyway, when I showed her the line I said, “Hey mom, look at my cute little bruise next to it.” And then she said, “No, that’s not a bruise, that’s a stretch mark!” Needless to say I was completely mortified and when I look in the mirror, it’s hard not to stare at it and get annoyed that I don't have control of what's happening to my body. 

What I've realized through writing this is that I guess it’s not really something I should get all that excited about really, since stretch marks are so common with pregnancy. The thing is, I was doing everything I was supposed to do to try to prevent them, well, that’s what I thought anyway. You know, using the cocoa butter after every shower and even lotioning up whenever I thought about it when I was home. I guess it’s true what they say, there’s really nothing you can do to prevent them so that means that I should expect more and not get all that upset about it. This is easier said than done mind you, but I need to do it given that sweating the small stuff is pretty darn stupid when it comes to the grand scheme of things. My husband and I are having a baby, I’m going to be a parent, and that is so freaking cool! Dealing with a few stretch marks is a small price to pay to have a little me and Dave combo. Basically, stretch marks don’t really matter and it’s not like I wear bikinis anyway! So why should I care???? I’m over it. 

Okay, now that I’ve ranted about stretch marks, I feel a lot better so thank you for being my sounding board and now I can move on to worrying about other things like getting the baby’s room decorated! Until we meet again, this is Carla the pregnant tomboy saying good-bye for now!

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