
Thursday, April 12, 2012

Gotta share the laughs and other pregnancy news!

So, I’m not sure if it’s “okay” to actually share a link to another blog on your own blog, but this blog is so funny and insightful that there’s no way I can’t!

What blog is it, well, here is a link to it:

The blog is called Pregnant Chicken and it was first shared to me by Katie at Dave’s work and when she was describing it, she had us rolling on the floor laughing our butts off. So this morning, she shared the link with me on Facebook and I laughed my butt off again. The blog is all about pregnancy and all the not-so-fun things that go along with it. What makes it so funny is the writer of the blog, Amy Morrison, puts this crazy satirical spin on pregnancy while informing you about what’s to come. The humor is pretty twisted, which is right up my alley so now that I’ve started reading it, I pretty much can’t stop. Plus, it’s preparing me a bit for what’s to come, especially the post that I linked to above. I had no idea what was going to happen after little Billy Bubba makes it into this world, now that I know, I’m pretty freaked out. However, I’m glad that I know given that if I didn’t, I would have been in for a horrible rude awakening. Ahhhhhh!

Yeah, those are bobble heads behind me!
In other pregnancy news, my belly bump is beginning to expand like a watermelon on Miracle-Grow! Actually, it is more like a watermelon that has been given too much Miracle-Grow! I find it both cool and annoying all at the same time. Cool due to the fact that it means BB is doing what he’s supposed to do, getting bigger and forming into a little person. And annoying since it makes it hard for me to do anything that requires me to bend over not to mention how walking up and down steps is like a sporting event comparable to running a marathon or doing a triathlon. Sure, you might think I’m exaggerating, but I’m not. Every time I go up or down steps, I’m wheezing like I ran for miles and miles. It’s kind of embarrassing, especially since this is coming from a pregnant chic who is also working out, which doesn’t even seem to help my stamina when it comes to the steps. Lame!

Along with my expanding belly bump, another pregnancy news item that I have is about the dream I had last night. Lately, my dreams have been about getting chased by zombies or mafia hit men, yes, I dream about that kind of crap. Last night though, I had a dream about meeting BB for the first time. I was holding him in my arms and then I even fed him. He was all warm and cuddly in his little newborn outfit. It was something that was totally surreal and when I woke up, I couldn’t help but smile. It was like he was here already! Can’t wait for that dream to be a reality! :)

Well, that’s about all I got for now so I’ll say farewell and until I post again, this is Carla the pregnant tomboy signing off!

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