
Thursday, April 19, 2012

Double ick, that test wasn’t fun…

Yesterday I had a baby check up and had to take a glucose screening test. Needless to say, it wasn’t the best day because the glucose screening test was not a fun experience for me and on top of that, I was surprised to learn during my check up that I would be receiving a RhoGAM. So as compared to my last doctor’s appointment that went smoothly, this one needless to say did not.

Example of the evil sugar beverage I had to drink!
Everything began with me heading to the lab to drink this wonderful sugary substance that I was told by the lab tech had about 50 MG of sugar in it. I choose the orange flavor, drank it down, and was told by the lab tech to come back in an hour so they could take my blood and check the results. At first, the sugary drink from hell, which I’m now going to call it, didn’t bother me at all and Dave and I headed from the lab to see my doctor. That’s when the nurse let me know that since I was 28 weeks along, I was going to receive a RhoGam shot and I was like, what shot? It was the first time the two of us heard about me receiving any kind of shot. So, she checked my blood pressure and then our doctor came in. He explained what the shot was all about and it was so technical that there’s no way I can cover all what he said. Therefore to keep it brief, it has something to do with positive and negative blood types and if you want to learn more, here’s a link to Wikipedia:

Anyway, as our doctor was explaining everything, the sugary drink from hell started making me feel like absolute crap and I could barely focus on him. Then, he measured my belly and checked little Billy Bubba’s heart rate, which ended up being around 160 beats a minute. From there, he said I needed to go back to the lab, get my blood drawn, and then come back to his office to get the shot. As I waited for my blood to be drawn by the lab techs, who were super nice by the way, all the sugar was hitting me and I thought I was going to puke. To get through it, I tried to just focus on what was going on around me and there were like pregnant women everyone. They were coming off the elevator, walking down the hallway, showing up at the lab one after another, it was insane. You could even tell who the newbies were as they were carrying a welcome gift bag kind of deal that Aurora gives out. Too funny!

When the lab tech did call my name, she took my blood, said sorry she didn’t have any crackers for me to eat, and gave me some water telling me that it would help me feel better. Well, the water didn’t and made me want to puke even more. After that, I headed back to my doctor’s office and the nurse gave me that shot. To make the experience even better, she had to shoot me in the butt with it. I was like, really, in my butt, and she was like yeah, and I was like, oh great, let’s make things even more fun today. That stupid shot hurt and I even have a bruise to prove it! The nurse was nice about it though and we both had a good laugh about everything I was going through that day. At that point if I didn’t laugh about it, that sugary drink from hell was going to end up on their nice clean floor and that wouldn’t have been good.

Finally, I was able to leave and then headed back to work where I ate some food and started to feel better. I was on a sugar high for a little while though and was all over the place, then I crashed a bit, and then I felt better again after making myself work out at the Y later in the day. Warning to all pregnant women or women who are thinking about getting pregnant, the glucose test is not fun and it will probably make you sick! So, expect the worst and hopefully, it won’t bother you at all. With that, I’m pretty much done for now given that I keep going back to how I felt yesterday and it’s starting to make me feel sick again. Ick. Until we meet again, it’s Carla saying farewell and Godspeed!

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