
Thursday, April 11, 2013

I hope I’m ready for this...

To save money, we decided to take Ryan out of daycare and that means, I’m going to be a full time Mommy Monday through Friday. At the moment, I’m having some mixed emotions about it.

Don’t get me wrong, I love, love, love to spend time with my little man. The thing is, spending eight straight hours with him seems a bit daunting because I don’t know how I’m going to keep him happy and occupied like they do at daycare. For example at daycare, he has other kids to play with, a whole bunch of toys to toss around, and suck on, that he doesn’t have at home, and different adults to interact with. At home, he has his regular toys, the dog to harass, and me. I really hope it’s enough and I’m trying to figure out different things to do with him during the day in addition to playing. I’ve come up with listening to music, reading, doing laps around the kitchen and living room, practicing walking, and hopefully when it gets nice outside, going for walks and playing in the front yard. Basically, I just don’t want to become frustrated and overwhelmed with him if for some reason I’m not able to keep him happy and occupied. I just want him to be content and having a good time.   

I guess I’m just feeling a tad inadequate at the moment and sad because I can’t keep him in daycare where he likes to go and be with the other kids his age. The reason why I know he likes daycare so much is due to the fact there is a picture of him with another kid who he really likes from daycare on our fridge. Every time he sees the picture of him and her together, he giggles and to take that away from him, makes me sad. I feel that it’s really important for him to be with other people besides me and now that I haven’t been able to find a job since I’ve been laid off, I’m not able to provide that outlet for him anymore. :0( So yes, I’m bumming at the moment.

However, I am trying to look at the positive side of things and how most parents don’t get to spend this kind of time with their kids at a young age. My Facebook Friend, Katie who works for WIXX, had to return to work and leave her little man at daycare for the first time since she had him today. She talked on Facebook about how she was feeling a bit emotional and guilty about it. I totally remember how that felt when we had to take Ryan to daycare for the first time and now that I’m home with him, I need to realize that this time is pretty special, so, I’m going to soak it all up and enjoy it until a do find a job. I guess, maybe this is a blessing in disguise.

Right now my little guy just woke up from a nap and is in his room, standing in his crib, and is giggling away waiting for me to come and get him. It’s so hilarious and is bringing a smile to my face as a write this. With that said, I better go get him before he figures out a way to get out of the crib all on his own! :0) I'm sure that day is on the horizon! 

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