
Thursday, November 8, 2012

Oh, my poor hair....

It was going to happen, but I wasn’t quite sure when and now that it’s happening, I’m a bit mortified to be honest. What am I talking about you ask? Well, my hair is falling out and it’s seriously grossing me out. What sucks is that mothers everywhere go through this all the time after their pregnancies and what’s even worse than that, is when people have cancer and go through chemotherapy, all of their hair falls out. I can’t even imagine going through that since I’m freaking out when it comes to what I’m dealing with right now. So to all of you cancer patients out there, props to you and I admire your courage. It must be hard, really, really hard. :(

With that said, I'm going to write about why mothers lose their hair after they have their babies. During pregnancy, women have higher estrogen levels so the hair stays in the growing and resting stages longer and does not fall out. Then, when a woman has her baby, those estrogen levels pretty much plummet and instead of her hair staying in the growing and resting stages, it goes right into the shedding stage and falls out. (Information courtesy of the For most mothers, this happens about three or so months after giving birth, yet it can be different for each individual and for myself, it’s been about four months now.

Probably the thing that gets me the most about my hair falling out is how it has been falling out. I mean, I’m in the shower and clumps of it just roll off of my shoulders. I’ve never been a fan of hairballs to begin with and now when I’m done showering, I have to pull a big junk of hair out of the drain. It’s super, duper gross. I won’t even get into what happens when I brush my hair since that’s even more disgusting not to mention the fact that you can find my hair pretty much all over the house. Dave has even been kidding me about it, telling me to stop dropping my hair everywhere. Hmm, maybe I could make a sweater or something out of all of it? LOL, that would be really icktastic! And yes, I was going to post a picture of one of the hair clumps I took out of the shower, however, decided against it since I couldn’t put all of you through that! :0)

Anyway, from what I’ve ready, it could take almost a year for my hair to get back to normal and in the meantime, there’s really not all that much that I can do about it. So, I’m just trying to roll with what’s going on and hope it stops falling out sooner rather than later. That’s easier said than done mind you given that I’m the type of person who likes to be in control of things and this is something I definitely have no control over. It hasn’t been fun, yet, when I think about people with cancer going through chemo, I tell myself I have it easy and to just deal. Again, props to all of you who have cancer and are dealing with what you’re dealing with. I wear my yellow Livestrong bracelet for you! :)

To learn more about hair loss after pregnancy, check out these websites:

Well, that’s about all I got for today! Have a good one!

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