
Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Having a sick baby is no fun :(

The sick little guy trying to nap.
I know, I know. I said in my last post that I would talk about my eating habit game plan when it came to losing my baby weight this time around. Well the thing is, that was before Ryan got sick so talking about weight loss is going to go on the backburner for the moment. Instead, I’m going to focus on what it’s been like to experience being a mom with a sick baby for the first time.

In three words, it is rough. There is snot flying everywhere not to mention the occasional urpage when he can’t hold down his Similac formula and then there was the mother of all poop blow-outs that had both Dave and myself gagging in disgust on Sunday. I mean, the little guy first pooped in his diaper, which was fine since that’s what babies do. But then when we went to change him, that’s where things got nuts because he projectile pooped when we got his diaper off, proceeded to poop more after I tried to wipe off his bum, and then thought it would be fun to kick his feet all around in it. He was giggling the whole time, so, he wasn’t feeling all that sick, but it was so gross that we both almost puked. Needless to say, Ryan immediately got a bath, his clothes were thrown in the laundry, and after changing the garbage in his room that was filled with his poop aftermath, we even had to plug a Glade air freshener in the wall since the smell wouldn’t go away! Ahhh!

Ryan is not a fan of the snot sucker!
Other than the blow-out of all blow-outs, the hardest thing to deal with is not being able to help him feel better. Since he’s still so little, he doesn’t know how to breathe through his mouth yet and that’s been a big problem for him given that his nose is almost plugged shut. So, we had to bust out the nose sucky thing and he hates it with a passion. Every time we use it on him, he screams bloody murder and it’s hard to keep cleaning out his nose when I know that it bothers him so much. Once we’re done, he calms down, but geez, it’s like his world is coming to an end. I’ve never felt so sympathetic for someone who has had a cold before, which is a bit out of character for me since I’m sometimes not a very compassionate person. It’s a character flaw of mine, so, I apologize to everyone who I’ve come in contact with who has had a cold in the past and have not show compassion for. That was pretty crappy of me and it won’t happen again, but I digress and back to Ryan.

Now, after we suck his nose out with the sucky thing, he could breathe for a little bit and would get comfortable enough to fall asleep in either my or Dave’s arms. However, the sleeping has always been short lived due to the fact that his nose would get plugged up again and he would snort and wake himself up. It’s a super vicious cycle that I’m hoping will end soon. The fever/pain reducer we got for him seems to help a bit with the congestion and we also bought him a warm steam vaporizer, something that has helped him sleep in his room by himself for a little while the last couple of nights.   

I must say through this whole thing, Dave has been SUPER DAD. He has been taking care of Ryan the last two days while I’m at work and has been doing an awesome job. He’s so patient with him and cares so much about him. Without Dave, I don’t think I’d be able to handle dealing with Ryan’s cold, especially since I’m getting sick myself. What really sucks is now Dave is sick and we’re basically all miserable. Hopefully, we’ll all get better soon and can get back to our normal routines…FINGERS CROSSED! 

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