
Thursday, July 19, 2012

Interesting advice from the doctor...

This past week has been a whirlwind! I’ve had to deal with the hassles of FMLA and disability claims, insurance reps and well-being experts calling me two to three times a day about this that and the other thing, and that’s all been going on, on top of trying to figure out my little guy’s sleeping and feeding schedule. Ryan’s needs take precedence over all the other stuff that has been going on, but being bothered by these people has been completely annoying when I just want to hold and get to know my son!

Ryan sleeping! He always comes first before everything else!
So as you can see, I’ve had my hands full and now I’ve finally found some time to put up a quick blog post! It’s about the advice that the doctor gave us the Friday before Ryan was born. It still makes me laugh when I think about what he told us! Now like I said in my last blog post, I was in the first stages of labor for about a week. That day, we asked the doctor we saw about what we could do to get things progressing a little faster than they were. At the time, I was two centimeters dilated, which was the same measurement I was at earlier in the week. The doctor gave us two bits of advice about how we could get things going. The first bit of advice is something I’m sure that most of you have heard about before, which was to have sex without a condom. Needless to say, that totally wasn’t going to happen because neither Dave nor myself felt at all in the mood. We were both just too exhausted.

Then, the doctor went into the other bit of advice about what we could do and this is probably not something anyone has heard about before. When he said it, I almost busted out laughing since it was hilarious to hear. I mean, freaking hilarious! He said that we should stimulate my nipples to help my hormones get going and move along the labor process. And no, not the stimulation you would see on some dirty movie somewhere so get your mind out of the gutter! He said what we needed to do was to put hot and wet compresses on my nipples. Since we didn’t have any clean washcloths on hand, we soaked and heated up some socks. I called them my hot nipple socks and I must say, it had to have done something given that a day and a half after we starting using them, Ryan made his way into this world. I also ate some spicy Taco Bell the night before he was born too just for good measure, so, maybe that helped too. Who knows!

The doctor did give us a third bit of advice about speeding along labor and that was about how walking doesn’t do a damn thing to speed anything up. Basically, all you’ll do is waste your energy walking around all uncomfortable like. I know this from personal experience because I tried the walking thing earlier in the week and nothing labor wise happened. So what I learned from this whole deal was to skip the walking, use the hot nipple socks, and throw in some spicy food for good measure if you’re near your due date and want your baby to be born! :) It seemed to have worked for me! :) 

Anyway, that’s about all I got for today. Ryan is starting to wake up and it’s just about feeding time! Check ya later and enjoy your Thursday!

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