
Sunday, December 30, 2018

Ugh, the never ending cycle of sick!

Who's sick? Your sick, I'm sick, he's sick, the dog's sick, the kid's sick, the husband's sick, the person two rows down in the cubicle on the left is sick, EVERYONE'S SICK!

At home, life has been pretty miserable and the view above sums up reality. Right now, my husband, Dave, is laying down in the bedroom on a Sunday morning coughing his brain's out. Our son, Ryan, is resting in his room with ear pain and a cough of his own. And, I'm writing a blog post, hoping to will my sore throat away with copious quantities of coffee and a ranting blog post. My son said it best yesterday, "This has been the worst Christmas break ever!"

He's right, it's been the worst Christmas break ever. Especially because yesterday, we went to the doctor to get his ear looked at since he was crying and all the doctor said was, "You're passing around a viral infection in your home. Since you both have symptoms, you're going to pass it back and forth." Well, that's helpful Mr. Doctor. I'm glad I wasted that money to learn that we'll just have to keep taking Tylenol, drink juice, sleep, and home one of us won't be sick and then that will catch on. UGH.

Being sick has been a never ending cycle for us and trying to find a way to make it stop is exhausting. After learning from the doctor that we have a viral infection from hell, I asked what we could do to make the cycle stop and all I got was, wash your hands more, cover your mouth when you cough, and expect to always be sick. JUST GREAT!

Well, I think I'm going to go get some juice now and hope no one breathes on me, sigh.  

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